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Download the full list of Minority Serving Institutions here:

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Minority Serving Institutions

MSIs 2023-2024 (Right).png

Grow Your Vision


Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions

includes all institutions deemed eligible to apply for a grant for this program or a current grantee,

both in category “ANNH” and “ANNH F” of ED’s Eligibility Matrix


Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander- Serving Institutions

includes all institutions deemed eligible to apply for a grant for this program or a current grantee, both in category "AANAPISI" and "AANAPISI F" of ED's Eligibility Matrix


Historically Black Colleges and Universities

includes all institutions deemed eligible to apply

for a grant for this program

or a current grantee, both in category "HBCU, "HBGI,"

or "HBCU Masters" of ED's Eligibility Matrix as well as additional institutions listed

as HBCU within the Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System (IPEDS)



includes all institutions deemed eligible to apply for a grant for this program or a current grantee, both in category “HSI”, “HSI STEM (F)” and/or “PPOHA” of ED’s Eligibility Matrix


Native American-Serving Nontribal Institutions

includes all institutions deemed eligible to apply for a grant for this program or a current grantee, both in category “NASNTI” or “NASNTI F” of ED’s Eligibility Matrix


Predominantly Black Institutions

includes all institutions deemed eligible to apply for a grant for this program or a current grantee, both in category “PBI,” “PBI U” or “PBI Masters” of ED’s Eligibility Matrix


Tribal Colleges and Universities

includes all institutions deemed eligible to apply for a grant for this program or a current grantee, both in category "TCCU" or "TCCU F" of ED's Eligibility Matrix

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